Real Estate Agent

Nora Leonhardt

Real Estate Professional


Douglas Elliman

1995 Broadway

Douglas Elliman

1995 Broadway
Nora Leonhardt has been living in and selling property in Manhattan since 1998. She will spend the time necessary to find the right match for each individual or family. She is motivated by the uniqueness of Manhattan real estate and its many possibilities.

Nora Leonhardt has never underestimated the importance of ones decision to purchase or sell their home which is one of life's most major undertakings both emotionally and financially. This awareness has driven her to provide the utmost service to her clientele no matter their particular situation, and ease them through the real estate process as seamlessly as possible.

Her knowledge of Manhattan as well as the financial process necessary has helped many new and seasoned sellers and buyers to fully understand each and every step of their sale or purchase. Her knowledge of Pre War and well as New Construction has made her customers feel confident and when it's time to negotiate Nora Leonhardt can speak with confidence about the current real estate market. Originally from California she understands relocation and has been certified as a relocation specialist.

She knows how to accomplish your real estate goals. Her commitment to professional, ethical, and superior service to her customers is the foundation that grows a successful business. Whether you have bought and sold many properties or this is your first purchase. Call with no obligation or cost to have Nora Leonhardt discuss your goals.
Town Coverage:Manhattan,