Real Estate Agent

Rob Fredericks III

Real Estate Professional

Monument Sotheby's International Realty

801 Key Highway

Monument Sotheby's International Realty

801 Key Highway
Rob Fredericks is a licensed Realtor® in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC with more than 20 years of experience, and over 2,000 closed transactions with happy clients. He chooses real estate because he truly loves every aspect; building, designing, selling and leasing residential and commercial properties, mortgages, understanding the numbers and negotiating. Equally as important are the relationships he forms with his clients providing the best care possible, helping them accomplish their goals, and making a difference in their lives. As a highly experienced and knowledgeable agent with a thorough understanding of the marketplace, Rob is committed to giving back to the industry by helping other agents as they begin their careers. His free time activities include golf, hiking, boating, and anything outdoors.

Rob Fredericks III works in Baltimore which has a population of 602,864. Baltimore has a household income of $30,212. The educational attainment of residents of Baltimore includes 62.39% of adults who have at least a college degree.
Residents in Baltimore will typically attend school in Baltimore City Public Schools.

Town Coverage:Fairfax,

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